Friday, June 13, 2014

Django in June taking place in Northampton on June 17-22, featuring the music of Django Reinhardt

The annual Django in June celebration of the music of gypsy jazz artist Django Reinhardt is taking place in Northampton from June 17-22, 2014.

The celebration kicks off on June 17 with the Django camp, which gives musicians the opportunity to immerse themselves in the repertoire of the great Belguin musician.  Some of the world's best Django musicians are on hand to teach the unique guitar style that made Reinhardt a legendary artist.

There are also two great concerts are taking place at the Academy of Music in downtown Northampton: on June 20, featuring premier gypsy jazz band Latcho Drom, and Samson Schmitt; on June 21, Les Doigts De L'Homme.

For a full schedule of jazz festivals and concerts taking place in Massachusetts this summer, visit

For visitor information go to


Thursday, June 12, 2014

3rd annual New Bedford JazzFest Taking Place on Saturday, June 14

The third annual New Bedford JazzFest is taking place from 2:00 - 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 14, 2014 on Pier 3 along the city's waterfront.  

The event features great local and regional jazz performers and showcases local artists and food.  Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 the day of the festival, and can be purchased online or at the venue.

This year's line-up includes Ethmology, Southcoast Jazz Orchestra, jazz singer Shawnn Monterio and the John Harrison Trio, and the MonterioBots, led by Marcus Monterio.

An historic port city rich in heritage and culture, New Bedford was the world's most famous whaling port in the 19th century, captured by the literature by Herman Melville and others.  Today, New Bedford is the nation's number one commercial fishing port.

New Bedford is also rich in cultural attractions, including music and ethnic festivals, culinary events, literary activities and historical tourism.  And nearby UMass/Darmouth has an excellent music department, specializing in jazz, world music, classical and gospel.

For year round information on jazz in Massachusetts, visit

For visitor information go to New Bedford Department of Tourism or

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Berkshires Gateway Jazz Weekend Taking Place June 5-8 in Lee

New Black Eagle Jazz Band

The annual Berkshires Gateway Jazz Weekend is taking place in Lee, Massachusetts from June 5 through June 8, 2014.  Tickets are available online.
Among the headliners this year: Sonny & Perley, the Sounds of Shearing and the New Black Eagle Jazz Band. 
These events, plus other events, take place at venues in and around Lee, including the Spectrum Theater and First Congregational Church.  Here is a schedule of events.
Massachusetts has numerous jazz festivals taking place throughout the Commonwealth through October.  Here is a schedule of 2014 jazz festivals in Massachusetts.
For year round information on live jazz, college courses, jazz clubs, radio programs and more, visit

For visitor information, go to

Sun Broadcasting Corp Launches Sun Music Live Shows at Wally's Cafe Jazz Club this Fall

Sun Broadcasting Corporation (SBC) has begun production of Sun Music Live. The inaugural shows set at  Wally’s Café  in Boston will f...