Friday, October 23, 2015

Annual John Coltrane Memorial Concert Takes Place in Boston on October 24

The 38th annual John Coltrane Memorial Concert is taking place at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, October 24, 2015 at the Blackman Auditorium at Northeastern University in Boston.

The theme of this year's concert is Ornette 'N Trane, a tribue to Ornette Coleman and John Coltrane. Eric Jackson, popular jazz host on WGBH, is serving as Master of Ceremonies.

Tickets to the concert are $30 general admission and $25 for seniors and students.  They can be purchased at the ticket office the night of the performance.

Read more about the John Coltrane Memorial Concert, and the Educational Outreach Program.

For year round information on live jazz in Massachusetts, visit

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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

2015 Pittsfield CityJazz Festival Features Randy Brecker, Greg Hopkins and Frank Vignola

The 2015 Pittsfield CityJazz Festival is underway this week, featuring trumpet masters Randy Brecker and Greg Hopkins, guitar virtuoso Frank Vignola and other great performers.  The festival runs through Sunday, October 18, 2015 and includes a variety of concerts.

Here is a full schedule of performances and activities.

The Pittsfield CityJazz Festival is produced by Berkshires Jazz, Inc, a non-profit group formed in 2009 to present jazz performances and promote jazz education in Berkshires County in Western  Massachusetts.

Find more live jazz in Massachusetts by visiting

For information about visiting Massachusetts, to to

Friday, October 9, 2015

10th annual Honk! Festival of Street Bands Performs in Massachusetts Weekend of October 9-11

The Honk! Festival of Activist Street Bands returns to Massachusetts this weekend for the 10th annual celebration of live music and spectacle.

Marching bands and street bands come from all across North America, and as far away as France, to participate in Honk!  Here is a roster of this year's performers.

Among the local favorites: AfroBrazil, Dirty Water Brass Band, Emperor Norton's Stationary Marching Band and the Expandable Brass Band.

On Friday, bands like the Leftist Band from Portsmouth, NH and the Les Vilains Chicots from Paris, France, perform on Boston Common on a day of action in solidarity with workers. On Saturday, the action shifts to Davis Square, Somerville, and on Sunday, finishes up in Harvard Square, Cambridge.
Here is the full schedule of performances.

You can find live music throughout the year in Massachusetts by visiting

Sun Broadcasting Corp Launches Sun Music Live Shows at Wally's Cafe Jazz Club this Fall

Sun Broadcasting Corporation (SBC) has begun production of Sun Music Live. The inaugural shows set at  Wally’s Café  in Boston will f...