Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Django in June Jazz Workshops in Northampton, June 14-19

Django in June - an immersion camp to on the music of legendary French jazz guitarist Django Reinhardt  - is returning to Smith College in Northampton the week of June 14-19, 2016.

The five day educational program includes workshops, concerts and jazz sessions with some of the top 'gypsy jazz' players in the world.  Here is a schedule of classes and activities.

Register for Django in June here.  Read more about Django in June here.

You can find year-round jazz in Massachusetts by visiting MassJazz.com.

To learn more about accommodations, sightseeing, restaurants and cultural activities in the area, to to VisitHampshireCounty.com.  For details on visiting Massachusetts, go to MassVacation.com.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

5th annual New Bedford JazzFest on Saturday, June 11 Features Top Jazz Bands and Orchestras

The 5th annual New Bedford JazzFest is taking place at Pier 3 in downtown New Bedford on Saturday, June 11, 2016 from 2:00 - 7:00 p.m.

This year's lineup includes the Greg Abate Quartet, the Southcoast Jazz Orchestra, Monteirobots, Global Learning Charter Jazz Combo and the UMass/Dartmouth Jazz Band.

Tickets are $20 in advance, or $25 at the gate the day of the festival.

Proceeds from the festival benefit Your Theatre, Inc. a 69 year old local theater group that produces several dramatic productions each year while exposing the community to the riches of theater.

For year round jazz in Massachusetts, visit MassJazz.com. 

Find out more about visiting New Bedford at DestinationNewBedford.

For details on visiting Massachusetts, go to MassVacation.com.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Harvard Medical School's Improvised Music & Medicine Series presents Jazz Concert on Friday, June 10

The Harvard Medical School's (HMS) Improvised Music and Medical Series kicks of with a concert by the Breakaway Quartet starting at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, June 10, at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, located at 677 Huntington Avenue in Boston.

The series is part of the Harvard Medical School Arts & Humanities Initiative, a multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional effort to utilize arts and humanities in medical education.

After the concert, Dr. Lisa Wong of the HMS Arts Initiative will lead a question and answer session with the audience and musicians.

For year round details on live jazz in Massachusetts, visit MassJazz.com.

Sun Broadcasting Corp Launches Sun Music Live Shows at Wally's Cafe Jazz Club this Fall

Sun Broadcasting Corporation (SBC) has begun production of Sun Music Live. The inaugural shows set at  Wally’s Café  in Boston will f...