Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Berklee College of Music Student Pens Song about Equal Pay for Women

Mina Alali, a student at the Berklee College of Music, has written a new single, "22 Cents Less," which calls for closing the income wage gap between men and women in the United States.

The music video for the song was filmed in Boston, where Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker signed a bipartisan pay equity bill on August 1, 2016, to ensure equal pay for comparable work for all Massachusetts workers and equal opportunities to earn competitive salaries in the workplace.  The bill passed unanimously by both legislative branches,

"If young girls hear this song and are inspired to advocate for themselves someday, I will consider it a great success," states Mina. "People are used to hearing about the wage gap on the news and in political settings but we don't often hear about it on YouTube or on the radio."

Here is the video.

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